
Boomer is OK

‘OK Boomer’ is the internet’s favourite insult for older persons.

It’s a shorthand for ‘outdated’, ‘irrelevant’ and ‘useless’.

However, OK can also mean the opposite. It also means ‘no problem’, ‘all good’ and ‘let’s go’. For the Agency of Integrated Care (Singapore’s government body for empowered ageing), it means showing the world that older doesn’t mean slower. Silver doesn’t equal stop.

Together with 5 inspiring ‘Boomers’, we launched Break The Silver Ceiling, a movement that turned that very insult into a 23.69km running relay that defiantly spelt ‘Boomer is OK’ along the coast of Singapore.

Our 5 Seniors were, Adam Rashid, a 66 year-old retired policer officer that served on UN missions, Jack Neo, a 65 year-old award-winning film director, 71 year-old Victor Chan and 74 year-old Ngai Hin Kwok representing the Strong Silvers Community and Jeet Pereira, a 63 year-old childcare educator and mother to Southeast Asian Games gold medalist sprinter Shanti Pereira.

They ran the relay, for real. And our run-art even made it to

We dropped trailers in anticipation of the documentary’s release and even created limited edition running kits together with renowned streetwear designer Mark Ong a.k.a. Mr Sabotage.

  • Creative Partner: Mavis Neo

  • Creative Director: Zara Kok / Viraj Chouhan

  • Strategy Director: Ludovica Damonte

  • Senior Copy: Pan Jie / Art: Christy Qiao / Design: Akira Boonpakorn

  • Biz: Michelle Heng / Wei Ting Tan / Vanessa Chua

  • Production: Charmaine Seah-Ong / Xiaoyu Liu / Brandon Ellison