
Tag In Instagram Korea

The creativity happening on Instagram is undeniably unique.

You’ve got a myriad of talent and passionate Creators who do illusion painting, are self-made rap stars, 3D movement artists, 80 year old Influencer-Artists, AR face lens designers, cartoon illustrators, modern balloon sculptors, pet-likeness knit crafters, extreme nail artists and much much more…

So just imagine what they could create, together.

With a simple brief, we decided to show everyone exactly that, by making the Instagram awareness campaign a creative collaboration in itself.

TAG IN INSTAGRAM and our Volunteer Brand Lotte Chilsung, harnessed the power of the collective with Instagram’s community, to show that when you tag in the right ingredients - Anything is possible.

Even if it’s as nonsensical as a self-imposed 3 word brief like #spicy❤️chill.

Working with 1st Avenue Machine, we brought this brief to two major Instagram markets : Korea and Berlin. For APAC, we focused on Korea and worked with 7 different creators - All with their own unique talent and point of view.

Dain Yoon (@designdain), a prominent Korean Illusion make-up artist took on the challenge to create a Bosch-worthy rendition of #spicy❤️chill.

Next, @fremuse_ a 3D motion graphics artist answered the brief with a mind-bending video.

@marshallxyz , a Instagram rapper-singer collaborated with 3D Make-up creator @ines.alpha to create a dual-faced lens mask inspired by how #spicy❤️chill is like how opposites need each other.

As a strong supporter of the LGBTQ community, Marshallxyz wrote an anthem song championing loving all sides of yourself. Some lyrics in the song were inspired by the contrasting but complementary perspective of being spicy and chill at the same time. The music video debuted on Instagram - The #spicy❤️chill AR lens makes its first appearance at 02:07.

For 80 year old Grandpa Chan and Grandma Marina of @drawings_for_my_grandchildren, Chilsung is a familiar household name. As part of their ongoing project of illustrating their life stories for their grandchildren, they added Chilsung as a chapter. However this time, they had Instagram Filter designer Chris Price (@chrislprice) to bring it to life beyond paper with a customised AR filter. The filter made use of their artwork to tell a more interactive story.

Lastly, Illustrator25 (@25_jw) put his signature ‘Insta-toon’ spin on #spicy❤️chill by creating an original Chilsung character, complete with his own IG stickers and storyline.

The story is one we are familiar with - Illustrator25’s main character is having a rough day at work and decides to gorge himself silly on spicy starchy take-away, only to realise that he’s went overboard with the chillies. But have no fear, someone is here to save the day.

We showcased the collaborative process as a series of targeted ads for Instagram Business, convincing marketers with the sway of our creative community’s abilities.

We expanded the campaign on all fronts to reach more marketers, brands and agencies, so that no one would miss out on the untapped creative potential of Instagram.

Explore TAG IN here.

(Site will show location-specific examples)