
Facebook presents Night School : Run by Moms

We know that our Moms are a superhuman mix of resilience and adaptability - But no one could have predicted and prepared for the pandemic.

In the Philippines, nearly 44% of the newly jobless were mothers, hastily made redundant by a spiralling economy. In these uncertain times, it was crucial for Moms to pivot and take charge of their financial independence.

That’s how Night School was born.

With Facebook’s strength of connecting people with each other, Night School became an important programme run by Mums, for mums, who were financially-impacted by the pandemic. Held weekly as a live-stream webinar during the kid-free hours of 8 to 9pm, our curriculum inspired and up-skilled independent mumpreneurs, with the help and wisdom of women just like them.

We first launched with this brand video and ads that directed our Moms to the Night school landing page where they could sign up for Night School classes.

Viewers tuned in from all over the Philippines (and some from other parts of the world!) to watch our livestreams, covering everything from technical tips to caring for your mental health. We saved all the top tips as short-form content on the main page as an easy time-saving reference once the events were done.

We set out to arm and empower Moms with tools and inspiration to kickstart their businesses - And we did.

And out of this came the spontaneous formation of another enduring pillar of support: A community of moms helping other moms to reach their entrepreneurial dreams.

After launching successfully in the Philippines with 32.2k moms watching live, and clocking up 2.5 million views, it has now become the model for Night School programmes in South Korea, Indonesia and North America. Watch our story here:

Mumpreneurs unite.