
United Overseas Bank : The Unlimited

“Inclusive hiring? It’s too inconvenient.” “Too costly.” “Too overwhelming.” “I’m not running a charity, I’m running a business.”

United Overseas Bank (UOB) had all the right data to bust these myths. For 7 years, they have been hiring people with disabilities (PWDs) at ScanHub, where digitising customer documents takes place. About 30% of UOB ScanHub employees are people with autism or hearing impairment.

However, no amount of data could solely convince CEOs too close-minded to take the leap.

Staying away from tear-jerker ideas, we spoke the truth: Inclusive hiring is not a charity endeavour, it is a forward-thinking manpower solution.

We ran an experiment with 3 top CEOs to pick their brains on leadership. However, they were unaware that the experiment was also an attempt to challenge their first reactions to inclusive hiring, and flip their perspectives.

Strong leadership takes a progressive mind- Hopefully their answers would convince fellow business leaders to see this untapped talent pool, differently.

The film launched an idea we called ‘The Unlimited’, a one-stop concierge initiative that assisted CEOs with unlimited perspectives and their companies to hire inclusively from start to finish, regardless of whether they banked with UOB.

PWDs also found it difficult to get hired because their resumes weren’t getting in front of the right people. So we took action by hijacking the one behaviour that CEOs do naturally: Networking.

Starting with our very own UOB CEO.

‘The Dualcard’ is a double-barrelled name card that makes every introduction empower another.

On one half, you have your details, but on the other, we see details of a potential PWD hire. On the back is a succinct resume, and details on how to get your own Dualcards printed.

‘The Unlimited’ printing press, is staffed entirely with people with disabilities, making it a working case study. With every box ordered, the printing press will prep the artwork with the details of a potential hire.

New name cards will always need to be made. And it costs nothing to make them all Dualcards.

By simply choosing to print with ‘The Unlimited’ Printing Press, companies can start an industry-wide movement to champion inclusive hiring, all while making the right impression.